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Chekapeas/Gram Flour

Gram Flour Recipes:
Microwave Dhokla
Alu Wadi

Simply put, this is a pulse flour made from ground chickpea (also known as Bengal gram or garbanzo beans). A staple diet in the cuisine from the Indian subcontinent, this flour can be made either from raw or roasted chickpeas. The raw variety is slightly bitter, while the roasted variety is more flavorful.

Gram flour, also known as besan flour (channa ka aata in Hindi, sanagapindi in Telugu, kadalai maav in Tamil, cikkam maav in Malayalam, kadale hittu in Kannada, kaḍala piṭi in Sinhala and Unga Wa Gramu in Swahili), is popularly used as a facial exfoliant in India. The flour can also be used in the place of eggs in vegan cooking – all you need to do is mix it with an equal amount of water.

The flour is rich in carbohydrates, protein, and fiber. It also contains no gluten.

Health Benefits

Good for your heart

Besan contains soluble fiber, which keeps your heart healthy. The fiber content of the besan flour keeps the cholesterol levels under control and this helps in proper functioning of the heart and healthy blood circulation. 

Lowers diabetes

Besan is one of the best home remedies to control Diabetes. The lower level of glycemic index keeps Diabetes in check. You can replace wheat flour with the gram flour for making breads and rotis.

Fights allergies

This is the flour you should use if your are allergic to gluten. This gluten free product ccan be used instead of wheat, which contains gluten. It also contains less calories and is highly nutritious. Besan helps you to fight off many allergic reactions.

Helps in weight loss

Besan helps in faster calorie burn because of the lower levels of glycemic index. Consuming besan, will help you to eat lesser calories during the day. Include besan in your daily diet to boost fat burning and up nutritional level.

Helps in skin tightening

Besan is one of the most effective home remedies for skin care. It tightens and lightens the skin. It also helps in maintaining the skin elasticity. All you have to do is take a spoon of gram flour, add a little bit of turmeric and make a paste using milk. Apply this paste on your face and neck and let it dry. After some time, wash it off with cold water and apply some moisturizer. Regular use of this method will make your skin tight and look younger.

Healthy alternative for Gluten

Since besan does not contain gluten, it is a great substitute to wheat and other gluten containing grains, for those people who are allergic to gluten.

Helps getting rid of iron deficiency

Being rich in iron, consumption of besan on a daily basis can help your body recover from iron deficiencies like anaemia.

Useful in pregnancy

Gram flour is rich in folate, a vitamin which takes care of the foetus’ brain and spinal cord development and ensures a healthy well developed baby.

Helps during fatigue

Gram flour is a good source of the vitamin Thiamin which helps the body in converting food into energy.

Helps regulate mood and appetite

Besan is rich in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is an important component involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin plays an important in mood and appetite regulation.

Helps regulate blood pressure

The magnesium content of besan helps in maintaining vascular health and it also helps in the regulation of blood pressure.

Helps in strengthening of bones

The phosphorous in gram flour combines with calcium in the body to help in the formation of bones.